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The Terrorist Attacks in Paris Should be a Warning to Americans.

                     By: Alyson Clark

       The terror in Paris was very wrong and shocking, and should put Americans on their toes. To begin the terrorist attacked on Friday the 13th of 2015, it was intense. This was wrong because they attacked innocent people. Next, why would they do this?  People believe they did this for different reasons. I think they did this because, they are jealous of people’s freedom. Last, did someone force them to do that? Maybe, however terrorists should be ashamed of themselves. If they did something like this they should be punished. To conclude, the terrorist attacks are never right.



NASA Funding Concerns

                   By Devin Miller

     NASA should have more money from the government for many reasons. First, NASA should get more funding to find new life. They need to find new life for possibly new technology. Next, more funding could find new ores. New ores could make new weapons and tools. Finally more funding could help on the moon. How it can help is more trips to the moon for research. To conclude, NASA should get more money from the government.       

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